

Ioannis Giannidis publications
Justice as institution and organization,
Athens 2016 VIII, P.N.Sakkoulas
The structure of the European Court of Human Rights case law,
Poin.Chron. ΞΣτ/2016, p. 647-651
The distinction between factual and legal issue. The practical meaning of an “old fashioned” theoretical distinction,
ΝοΒ 64/2016, σ.1778-1785
Code of Penal Procedure (Case law per article),
Athens 2015, Dikaio kai Ikonomia, P.N. Sakkoulas.
Penal procedure as the main guarantor of personal rights in the new (European) environment of the criminal judiciary system,
Conference “Latest development on the European Financial Criminal Law”, Piraeus, November 27-28, 2009
Penal Code and Case Law, (Case Law per article),
Athens 2009, Dikaio kai Oikonomia (together with Α. Charalabakis).
The question of the legitimacy of the criminal law today and the end of the classical conception of dogma in substantial criminal law,
Poin.Chron. ΝΖ/2007, p. 769-775
The Justification of the decision of the criminal courts,
2nd Volume, Athens 2003.
The Justification of the decision of the criminal courts,
1st Volume, Athens 1989